일 시 |
2000년 3월 19일 (일) 08:30 - 17:00 |
장 소 |
라마다 르네상스호텔 3층 다이아몬드볼룸 |
8:30∼8:50 |
등록 |
8:50∼9:00 |
개회사 |
9:00∼ 9:20 |
Current guidelines in OB Ultrasound (박용원, 연세대) |
9:20∼ 9:40 |
Ultrasound in the first trimester (이필량, 울산대) |
9:40∼10:00 |
Nuchal translucency (한성식, 인제대) |
10:00∼10:20 |
Ultrasound detection of chromosomal anomalies in the 2nd and 3rd trimester
(박중신, 서울대) |
10:20∼10:40 |
Discussion |
10:40∼11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00∼11:20 |
Measurement of amniotic fluid (노정래, 성균관대) |
11:20∼11:40 |
Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios: Diagnosis and management(김해중, 고려대) |
11:40∼12:00 |
Fetal hydrops: Etiology, diagnosis and management (전종관, 서울대) |
12:00∼12:20 |
Discussion |
12:20∼13:20 |
Lunch |
13:20∼13:50 |
Diagnosis and biopsy of breast diseases by ultrasound (김은경,연세대 방사선과) |
13:50∼14:10 |
Uterine anomaly by 3D ultrasound (이경순, 이화여대) |
14:10∼14:30 |
Ultrasound-assisted pelvic examination: how to get the most information with a single examination (양정인, 아주대) |
14:30∼14:50 |
Discussion |
14:50∼15:10 |
Coffee break |
15:10∼15:30 |
Doppler ultrasound in gynecology: measurements and artifacts(김승룡, 한양대) |
15:30∼15:50 |
Simple cyst in postmenopausal women: detection and management (정기욱, 가톨릭대) |
15:50∼16:10 |
Sonographic evaluation of the postmenopausal uterine bleeding (윤성준, 중앙대) |
16:10∼16:30 |
Discussion |
16:30 |
폐회사 |