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 제8차 대한산부인과초음파학회 개원의를 위한 연수 강좌

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8:00-8:50 등록
8:50-9:00 개회사 회장 박용원(연세의대)
Sonography in Gynecology
좌장 : 김 암(울산의대)
9:00-9:20 Sonohysterography 최영민(서울의대)
9:20-9:40 USG in Adolescent Gynecology 이미화(포천중문의대)
9:40-10:00 Differential Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy 박미혜(이화의대)
10:00-10:30 Discussion & Coffee break
Fetal Growth Restriction
좌장 : 송태복(전남의대)
10:30-10:50 Fetal Growth Evaluation: Biometry and More 박인양(가톨릭의대)
10:50-11:20 Fetal Surveillance: Biophysical profile 오수영(성균관의대)
11:20-11:50 Fetal Surveillance: Doppler examination 김행수(아주의대)
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-1:30 Lunch
Invited Lecture
좌장 : 문신용(서울의대)
1:30-2:20 Jun Yoshimatsu, Oita University, Japan
  1) Use of Three-dimensional Extended Imaging Software in Studies of Fetal Abnormalities
  2) Late Postpartum Hemorrhage and Ultrasound Vascular Imaging
2:20-2:30 Discussion
Hot Issues
좌장 : 김해중(고려의대)
2:30-2:50 Cervical Length: PTL & Cerclage 구태본(경북의대)
2:50-3:10 Intrapartum USG 오민정(고려의대)
3:10-3:30 Pelvic Mass during Pregnancy 전현아(한림의대)
3:30-4:00 Discussion & Coffee break
Controversies in Ob Ultrasonography: Significance of Soft Markers in Aneuploidy Detection
좌장 : 전종관(서울의대)
4:00-4:20 Choroid plexus cyst, Mega-cisterna magna 원혜성(울산의대)
4:20-4:40 Echogenic focus, Echogenic bowel 최형민(인제의대)
4:40-5:00 Short long bones, Renal pyelectasia 최상준(조선의대)
5:00-5:10 Discussion
5:10 폐회사 회장 박용원(연세의대)
서울시 서초구 반포대로 222, 서울성모병원 본관 9층 산부인과의국 내
Tel. : 010-9312-2813 / E-mail : office@ksuog.or.kr 우편번호 : 06591
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