학술행사 홈
사전등록 확인
행사장 위치
08:30-09:00 등록
09:00-09:10 개회사 회장 : 김 암 (울산의대)
Session 1: Thoracic abnormalities 좌장 : 조용균 (인제의대)
09:10-09:35 Diagnostic tip for early detection of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 전현아 (한림의대)
09:35-10:00 Comparison & disfferentiation between CCAM & sequestraion 황한성 (건국의대)
10:00-10:25 Miscellaneous condition; pleural effusion, lymphangioma, tumor 설현주 (경희의대)
10:25-10:50 < Discussion & Coffee Break >
Session 2: Skeletal abnormalities 좌장 : 김사진 (가톨릭의대)
10:50-11:15 Big 3 fatal dwarfism 오민정 (고대의대)
11:15-11:40 Non-lethal dwarfism 이경아 (울산의대)
11:40-12:05 How can we counsel for isolated limb malformation 박수성 (울산의대 정형외과)
12:05-13:30 < Discussion & Lunch >
Session 3: Hot topics in OB & GY USG 좌장 : 최상준 (조선의대)
13:30-13:55 Nuchal translucency in first trimester 권자영 (연세의대)
13:55-14:20 Postpartum abnormal uterine findings 이귀세라 (가톨릭의대)
14:20-14:45 Ovarian abnormal findings 김아리 (원광의대)
14:45-15:00 < Discussion & Coffee Break >
Session 4: Multiple pregnancy 좌장 : 전종관 (서울의대)
15:00-15:25 Determination of chorionicity 오경준 (서울의대)
15:25-15:50 Tip of differentiation between discordant twin & TTTS 이경주 (차의대)
15:50-16:15 Management of abnormal multiple pregnancy 정진훈 (관동의대)
16:15-16:20 < Discussion >
16:20 폐회사